The CAE-Coding System in a Nutshell
If you're an entrepreneur developing a business activity either as an individual or through establishing a company, use CAE codes or Código de Atividade Económica.
The CAE uses a two-part coding system: alphabetical and numerical.
1. Alphabetical: 21 sections, each assigned a letter from A to U.
2. Numerical: 4 levels with increasing digits:
Division: 2 digits (01-99)
Group: 3 digits (built upon Division using decimals)
Class: 4 digits (built upon Group)
Sub-class: 5 digits (built upon Class)
Think of it like a nested structure, where each level provides more detail. For example, code "01111" (Cereal Growing) breaks down as:
- Division: 01 (agriculture)
- Group: 011 (growing of crops)
- Class: 0111 (growing of non-perennial crops)
- Sub-class: 01111 (growing of cereals) You can read more details about these activity codes at: Find out more about CAEs and other business and tax-related subjects in “the Madeira Handbook ” by Zarin Buckingham, which is available on Amazon.